
Prenatal Chiropractic

Prenatal - Stuart and Port St Lucie Chiropractor

Pediatric chiropractic care is a new concept to many, but not to our doctors! We have gone through additional certifications in order to bring only the safest and best chiropractic care for your child. We take pride in our comprehensive examinations where we look at the function of every system of your child, their overall structure, appearance and that they are meeting their milestones.

Chiropractic for a child is entirely different than it is for an adult. So different, that is is not uncommon for a baby to sleep right through their adjustment. Using low force, gentle instruments or low force manual adjustments allow for an adjustment free from twisting, turning, cracking or popping. The adjustments on infants and children are meant to be enjoyable for every child and we take great care in ensuring every parent and child feels comfortable and safe with their child’s care.

Perinatal care is inclusive of women who are working to get pregnant. Peri- means “around” or “surrounding”. So whether you are just starting your pregnancy journey and wanting to get your body in the best shape possible for a viable and healthy pregnancy or you’ve already been down a road of struggles or challenges, we are here to help you in every way we can to get your body to be structurally sound and function at full capacity for you along your journey.

If you are already pregnant and want to enhance your bodies well-being, ease any discomforts and pains, and encourage a more productive and smooth labor, chiropractic care by a certified chiropractor can help! As your “cradle” doctors, we focus on your pelvis and its corresponding muscles and ligaments to get to and remain in optimal position for your baby’s comfort. Resulting in a preferred position and successful birth!

We also use Rock Tape in all stages of pregnancy and postpartum to assist in stability of the pelvis and reduce the pressure of the growing belly.

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Call: 772-873-8595

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If this is an emergency, please contact our office at 772-873-8595 for immediate assistance. Thank you.

518 SE Osceola St
Stuart, FL 34994

Monday9 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday9 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday9 AM - 6 PM
Thursday9 AM - 12 PM
Friday9 AM - 4 PM
Saturday9 AM - 12 PM