How can restorative chiropractic care benefit senior citizens?
As we age, the soft tissues that hold our spine together can become less pliable and more brittle. The spine losses flexibility, we experience a decrease in our ability to balance and an increased chance of falling. An unhealthy spine is susceptible to degenerative changes and spinal injuries.
A degenerating or injured spine can put pressure on the spinal cord and cause dysfunction within the nervous system. Because the nervous system is the master control of the body, all of our body systems can be impaired by a compromised spine. Poor spinal health can lead to secondary conditions such as a decrease in stamina, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, bowel and bladder dysfunction, digestive issues, decreased cognitive ability, and a weakened immune system.
Degenerative changes are COMMON but they are NOT NORMAL. In many cases the degeneration process can be prevented, slowed down or stopped altogether. A comprehensive and gentle chiropractic care plan, which includes the patient’s active participation, will keep the spine from becoming rigid and feeling old. Benefits reported for senior citizens under chiropractic care include: improvements in energy, increased stamina, better sleeping patterns, being able to turn around and back out of a parking spot, improved bowel and bladder control, balance and coordination, less arthritic pain, a boost in the immune system, less need of prescription medication and a higher overall sense of well-being.
It’s never, ever too late to begin feeling well again!!